
What I'm saying yes & no to


"Live in grace where the journey is the destination."
Lara Casey

Sometimes goal setting can be really frustrating. Like the times you don't hit the deadline or finish that certain task when you had hoped to, it can feel pretty crummy. Being a recovering perfectionist doesn't help matters. Hi, my name is Lorin & I really like things to be done perfectly.

This is not something I've always been aware of. Growing up, I procrastinated as a way of not dealing with the feeling that something had to be done 100%-completely-to-perfection. If I only had 30 minutes to do something, then I couldn't feel like I was failing or letting myself down because, well, that's all the time I had. Pretty silly when I look back at it. All that rug sweeping. Just push all those thoughts & feelings under this humongo area rug & it's like they've disappeared.

Not quite. But I spent much of high school & college with this mindset. Over the past couple years, the Lord has put so many different influences in my life that have helped reshape how I view the life He's given me, time, resources & perfection. Spending each morning in the Word really helps me deal with the perfection problem. Hello, imperfect people that God used all the time! Seriously it's so humbling to be reminded that I can't do anything to save myself or even get to the point of perfect but that's where Jesus stepped in. His perfection covers my flaws & sets me free to live in grace.

Surrounding myself with godly friends like my Small Group ladies is a huge blessing. Being real with each other about what we're dealing with & struggling to get through is how the Lord intended His body of believers to live! Being married to a God-fearing husband who constantly challenges me to seek the Lord's approval is the best. So thankful for the times he brings me down from cloud perfect to reality & reminds me that it's OK to make a mess. And not reaching every goal doesn't mean it's quitting time! Keep on keepin' on, trusting the Lord with each & every endeavor. Working for His glory & not allowing my self to get in the way.

Lara Casey's PowerSheets give you space to work through the whats of how you'll reach said goals (see more from Lara about this - Steps 8 & 9 - here). What you're saying YES to. What you will be saying NO thank you very much to. Creating a Making Things Happen Pinterest board was a huge visual aid to piecing together vision for this year. 

What things do you need to leave in the dust? And what do you want to do more of, be more about this year? 

What I'm saying NO to:

> regret
> too much PC time
> what ifs
> doubting the Lord
> FEAR! the enemy's lies!
> procrastinating
> striving for perfection
> unnecessary apologies
> assuming the worst
> anger
> anxiety/failure
> jealousy/comparison
> too many sweets
> random spending
> trying to earn love
> people pleasing 

What I'm saying YES to:

> taking risks!
> being present
> listening well
> 100% reliance on God
> FAITH! God's truths!
> setting myself up for success
> doing the best I can with what I have & leave the results to God
> speaking life-giving words {Psalm 19:14}
> assuming the BEST & asking the Lord for discernment
> creating a peaceful home
> contendedness
> the peace of God & true rest
> encouraging others
> more good-for-you foods
> budgeting well
> giving more
> resting in God's love
> GOD-pleasing 

January Gratefulgrams


Blessed. Thankful. Grateful. That is an attitude I want to intentionally cultivate in my life. What better way to do that than a monthly recap of all the people, places & things that I most cherish?

Inspired by the fabulous Nancy Ray's monthly series that she started back in July, here are my Gratefulgrams for this month!

1. Got real with myself & my goals using Lara Casey's PowerSheets / 2. Shared about the lasting investment of wedding photography (Pt. 1 & 2!) / 3. Hosted brunch for my amazing SG ladies! / 4. Celebrated 2 awesome months of marriage :) / 5. SNOW DAY!! / 6. Blogged this beautiful couple's wedding

I'd love to hear your attitude of gratitude :) What are you thankful for this month?

{January Goals}


It may be the middle of the month but it's never too late to write out your goals :) After several afternoons of reflecting on & writing all over Lara Casey's #PowerSheets, I've named my fears, written down what I want to be filling my mental mason jar (such a great visual, right?) & the vision I have for these next days, weeks & months. I had 14 goals for December. 11 done! Still would like to bake goodies to share with our neighbors, finish our thank you cards & marshmallow roasting in our fireplace yet. 

January Goals

>> Continue reading through the Bible in a year with Dean. (We chose this plan by Nav Press, available for the You Bible app, too.)
>> Continue serving my spring bride well
>> Wrap up all our wedding thank you cards
>> Fill & drink my water bottle 3x daily
>> Review Scripture memory verses from the past few months & meditate on them
>> Brainstorm a design for a family prayer board in our home
>> Leave encouraging words & love notes to Dean throughout the week
>> Update the LMP website to reflect my heart & mission for this business
>> Sign up for a photography class/conference &research investment for future conference/mentor session
>> Faithfully serve my SG ladies & invest in them

"Your playing small does not serve the world." Marianne Williamson, via Lara Casey