Eating: Mealtimes and snack times are still fun! And adventurous! Actually, Madison started indicating that she would like to feed herself with a spoon. (Where did my little teeny baby go?!) So we preloaded some apple sauce and let her go for it. A very messy experience but she definitely gets the idea to pick up the spoon and put it in her mouth. Melting my heeeeart.
She is also eating more of what Dean and I eat at dinner instead of just purees or finger foods. She has tried bites of meatballs and roasted potatoes among other things. I also stopped shredding her cheese because girlfriend was getting a little too excited and orange bits were raining down from her high chair. So cheese cubes are the newest thing! Madison is also really starting to get the hang of using her tumbler cup with a straw from her Easter basket. And just the other day, she wanted to drink the smoothie herself. (What can I say - it's hard to let go!) So she is becoming very independent and great at feeding herself.
Personality: The picture below sums Maddie up pretty well :) A joyful, giggling, playful little girl who loves her Daddy (and Mama) very much. And DOGS. And BALLOONS. Y'all, I think a dog-shaped balloon might even be too much for this little child to handle! If she even thinks she hears our neighbors' dogs bark, she will stop what she's doing, look and listen to hear more "Woof woof!" So sweet.
Madison has also been loving playing with other little friends whenever we get the chance! She squeals and waves hi with other boys and girls. Just the sweetest thing. She also looooves to move! Whenever we pick her up from the nursery at church or from a play date, people will tell us about her dance moves and shimmying shoulders. A few of her musical toys will get her dancing, although not to every song they play. Just a few specific ones with the good beats. Her daddy is proud :)
This past month has also been more trying as Madison has wanted to do more things her way or when she wants to do them, which obviously cannot be most/all of the time when you are only 11 months old. (If only she would see it from our perspective, right?) I am so thankful for the wisdom in God's Word and a Moms' Bible Study at church that points us to the Lord for His help and discernment with parenting up our child in the way she should go.
Firsts: The first time she helped put her toys away - oh goodness, it was adorable to see! She has really gotten the hang of it when I tell her, "Say bye-bye to your toys. Let's put them away." Plus, she takes off her books from the shelf just to put them back, it seems.
She also has shown her first signs of being a great little helper, even trying to put food from the grocery cart onto the belt at checkout yesterday :)
Madison started officially cruising along her crib in April. She is almost able to pull herself up from sitting, and is still scooching more than crawling, but she can get already pretty quickly these days. I actually opened the front door to take something outside and she almost made her way outside before I turned back around!
And her first little tooth is coming in! Yay and painful.
Also, she pushed her Fisher Price walker by herself and she can push the buttons to change the colors of her light-up lady bug without assistance.