
May Gratefulgrams

Drinkard ladies
Balcony makeover
Kendall's Cakes
Blue skies
Small Groupie
Clothing swap

“It is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given.
One or the other becomes a habit of life." Elisabeth Elliot

Life is so much more than things. Advertisers, popular culture & social media would lead you to believe otherwise but the fact still remains:

"We all come to the end of our lives as naked & empty-handed as on the day we were born. We can't take our riches with us." Ecclesiastes 5:15

So here's to a life habitually overflowing with thankfulness for a God who is worthy of our praise simply because He is the I Am. The Lord gives & He takes away & He is still God. Seek Him & find true, lasting contentment that no thing ever can give.

1. A weekend full of family / 2. Making our balcony, an extension of our home, colorful & cozy. / 3. The opportunity to meet & work with new friends. / 4. Reflecting upon the greatness of God from high above. / 5. Our small group said goodbye to a dear friend & prayed for her future / 6. Cleaning out our closets for the 3rd annual clothing swap & donating bags of items leftover!



{May Goals}


Have opportunities, not a to-do list.

{Kathryn Duckett}

Instead of just one more thing to do/aim for this month, I'm looking at each of these as opportunities, favorable times & conditions, in my life. Not only that, but if I find myself getting bogged down in the midst of it all, I have 4 choices to make:

1. Choose joy / 2. Live generously. / 3. Love with an open hand. / 4. Think about what is true.

May Goals

>> Review spiritual disciplines (April carryover)
>> Serve & pray for our Pretty & Polished guests
>> Finish our date night jar (April carryover)
>> Actually learn to drive stick shift. Dean, get ready!!
>> Recover the wooden storage bench (April carryover)
>> Finish our spring balcony makeover & camp out with Hubby
>> Price insurance & accountant (April carryover)
>> Take another online course
>> Book 3 weddings
>> Mail client gifts


>> Mediate on Scripture verses
>> Set aside time to truly rest
>> Encourage my SG ladies toward God's truth
>> Pray for people to minister to & bless
>> Date night
>> Stay faithful to our budget
>> Connect with family
>> Go for a walk/run
>> Blog 2x
>> Develop new LMP skills

What's on your opportunity list this month?