ashleigh carter

front porch friday

"They say a kitchen is the heart of a house, but I believe the porch is its soul. From the very steps, you knew if you were welcome or not, knew everything you needed to know about the people inside." {Rick Bragg, Southern Living}

Welcome to the first of many front porch Fridays where I'll be posting some of my favorite people, places, ideas, things. Y'all come on over, have a seat, stay awhile. ​

Today's favorite: giraffe prints.​ And the girl that designed them. So two favorites!

​Ashleigh Carter, my insanely talented roommate/former coworker buddy, designs, illustrates & sketches these beautiful pieces that remind you how much we serve a God who have given us creativity and art as ways to reflect His glory.


The splendor of the Creator is so evident in her life & I'm truly blessed with a capital B in our late night conversations & early morning talks. Several of her giraffe & other fun illustrations were featured in a reception at old town Alexandria's Revel boutique, styled by our event guru Simply Jolleen.  


The little guys on the left have bow ties on. Bow ties on a giraffe?? Can't get enough.


Hello Spring is on display through May ​29th. Head over to Revel to pick up Ashleigh's illustrations (postcards, pillows and more) plus bright West Coast looks handpicked by shop owner Francesca. 

Happy weekend!​