"Chickens don't have fingers." Have you ever stopped to think about that? You know, as you're ordering or hear someone else ordering this dish at a restaurant? Me neither. Until, Alton Brown, that is.
This, y'all, is just one of the hilarious memories from Dean & I's weekend trip to Baltimore. He's a big fan of the Good Eats founder & Food Network host so I surprised him with tickets to see his Edible Inevitable Tour last month. I have to admit, although we didn't really know what to expect from Mr. Brown's live tour, the night was pretty great! Basically, he talked about & did all the things they don't allow him to do on TV - like make pizzas in a giant Easy Bake oven & rant about his Top 10 Things He's Pretty Sure He's Sure About Food. So fun!
Before the show, we spent the afternoon exploring the city & grabbing lunch by the Inner Harbor. The waterfront was gorgeous - & made me miss Florida's sandy shores so much.
"The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen