{March Goals}

Mont Tremblant overlook

"'and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness,'
declares the Lord." Jeremiah 31:14

This morning I was reflecting on notes from listening to Lisa Chan speak at a women's conference a couple years ago. Y'all, she is such a beautiful gem! She brought a powerful message from the Word & I have been challenged by it countless times since then. At that conference, Lisa shared a fantastic analogy of our lives here on earth:

We're all on a camping trip - off-roading, traveling along the road the Lord has put before us. It may be a 70- or 80-year trip down this dusty, bumpy road & that's all it is. This world isn't our home, or our final destination. She challenged us to ask:

Am I living as if I'm not of this world? Or have I tried to set up camp, kicking my feet up & making myself as comfy as possible? If we gorge ourselves on the things of this world, we won't have a huge appetite left for Christ.

Matthew 6:19-21 reminds us of where to place our value/treasures:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth & rust destroy and where thieves break in & steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys & where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

So, the questions to ask ourselves are: What is my treasure? What do I treasure?

When I'm setting goals & thinking through what I want to be about each month, I try to reflect on this principle: We are only temporarily here on this earth. Jesus is enough. He should be our heart's greatest joy, hope, treasure. Lay up treasures in heaven, dear sisters.

May this be true of us all: "God, stamp eternity on my eyelids." {Lisa Chan}

March Goals

>> Finish reading On Photography & Happiest Baby on the Block (carryover)
>> Clean out 2014 hard drive (carryover)
>> Paint end tables (carryover)
>> Make pillow covers (carryover)
>> Buy frames + hang photos
>> Make laundry detergent
>> Enjoy a Girls' Weekend getaway
>> Review our budget + plan for April