June Gratefulgrams

June Gratefulgrams
June Gratefulgrams
June Gratefulgrams
June Gratefulgrams
June Gratefulgrams
June Gratefrulgrams

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." {Exodus 14:14}

When you have those days, those weeks, when it seems like you don't have the strength to make it through, the Lord is there. When we are at our lowest point, He is our Help still & our Shield. He never leaves or forsakes us. And when we're walking through the valley, we have nothing to fear. He is there, every step of the way. And that, y'all, is something to be eternally grateful for!

1. Creating sweets from a new recipe / 2. Birthday & goodbye group photos all at once / 3. Intentional home making tips from The Nester / 4. A weekend with the family / 5. Surprise morning notes from Hubby / 6. Packed lunches from a beautiful friend