Photo by: The Pinwheel Collective
May 12 often does double duty when it rolls around - a day when we celebrate my mom's birthday & honor her along with mothers everywhere. This year they didn't overlap so we had 2 days of happy mom/birth day!
Where do I even begin to thank you for countless nights of staying up late helping with last-minute history projects (I vividly remember us cutting out photos from one of our encyclopedias for a colorful tri-fold board) & driving to school to drop off a lost sock/shoe for basketball practice?
For waking up early to pack Chelsea & I's lunches, waking me up all those mornings I just wanted to sleep in, driving us to & from school/church/ Girl Scouts/gymnastics/dance classes/art classes, always encouraging us to consider the why behind something (What is God trying to teach you?) & to extend grace to those around us, giving us your sense of adventure/travel bug, teaching us how to be a godly woman & wife.
For teaching me how to be crafty with use-what-I-have-in-front-of-me ingenuity, the importance of nutrition & taking care of our bodies, how to balance a checkbook, for taking care of us with every sniffly nose/sick stomach/head ache that came around, for modeling responsibility, decision making & commitment keeping.
For early morning/late night phone calls, for talking into the wee hours of the morning, for all the lost buttons/hems you fixed & sewed, for sacrificially loving us, for faithfully praying for us, not giving up on us, loving us anyway, understanding when I laugh for no reason, for making a beautiful home for our family.
I love you, Momsie! Happy birthday! Happy Mother's Day to youuu!